Erase Fine Lines with Dermal Fillers

Erase Fine Lines with Dermal Fillers

Even if you are extremely careful with applying sunscreen throughout the day, over time it is inevitable that fine lines will appear around your eyes and mouth. Crow lines and smile lines happen to the best of us as we age. Throughout the years, your skin will lose its elasticity.

As your muscles make the same repetitive movements, such as smiling or frowning, these wrinkles will appear. Fine lines can be prevented by wearing sunscreen, staying hydrated, or avoiding smoking. However, once they are present on your skin, they are here to stay. However, with dermal fillers applied at Pure Youth Wellness & Aesthetics, you can say goodbye to those pesky fine lines.

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are composed of hyaluronic acid and are injected into the skin where the fine lines are present. Hyaluronic acid is a natural lubricant found in your body. Dermal fillers are used to restore volume in your face in these areas where fine lines and wrinkles occur. As we age, our face loses subcutaneous fat, and the skin sits closer to the facial muscles. This makes fine lines and wrinkles more apparent on our skin as we age.

Are Dermal Fillers Temporary?

Since dermal fillers are composed of a natural substance, your body will slowly absorb it over time. After your body has fully absorbed the dermal filler, you will need to come back for a new treatment. However, everybody is different so the exact length of time between treatments will vary from person to person. The extent of your wrinkles, as well as the area that was treated, will determine how often you must come back for touch-ups at Pure Youth Wellness & Aesthetics.

Recovery Process from Dermal Fillers

Unfortunately, there is a slight recovery period after having dermal fillers. You may experience slight bruising or swelling at the injection site. It may take 4 – 6 weeks before your skin is fully healed and back to normal. Immediately after treatment, you should avoid strenuous activity or wearing makeup for 2 days afterward.

Schedule Dermal Fillers with Pure Youth Wellness & Aesthetics

Pure Youth Wellness & Aesthetics is committed to making you look younger and feel your best. We perform all our procedures with your safety in mind. Please contact our wellness clinic at  561-528-9038 to get more information on dermal fillers.

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