Medical Weight Loss

Weight loss can be difficult to achieve, especially as we age. There are many variables that can cause weight loss to be difficult, ranging from slower metabolism due to aging, having co-morbid conditions that make weight loss difficult, or due to lifestyle circumstances such as poor nutrition and lack of physical activity. By assisting you in your weight loss journey, we are addressing your physical and mental well-being, and prevention of potential disease related to obesity, such as cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes.

Semaglutide, a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) has been FDA approved for weight loss for patients with a BMI of 27 or greater with at least one weight-related ailment, or BMI greater than 30. This peptide acts on the part of the brain that regulate appetite and food intake by ways of slowing down gastric emptying. The ideal time frame for the program is 5 months and consists of weekly injections that are administered by the patient at home. The doses of these injections increase every 4 weeks until desired dose is achieved.



How do I get started?

If you are interested in participating in a medical weight loss program, we would start with a FREE consultation to ensure you are a good candidate to participate in medical weight loss. . If you qualify, we will obtain some basic blood work and get you started on your medical weight loss journey.

Do I need to exercise?

Regular exercise is an important component to add with medical weight loss and overall wellness. Exercising boosts your metabolism to help you burn more calories. A combination of both strength training and aerobic exercise, paired with the medical weight loss program are recommend, however we need to first establish your level of fitness to determine the best approach for you to avoid potential injury.

How do you eat healthy?

Learning what to eat and not eat can be the most challenging aspect to your weight loss journey, and although we are beginning a medical weight loss program, healthy eating habits will facilitate weight loss, therefore incorporating the right foods into your daily diet and routine can help you in decreasing your caloric intake and in turn lose weight.  Basic food choice information will be discussed with you on your visit once we establish you goals and treatment plan.

Can I eat out at restaurants?

Yes, but you must be diligent and pay attention to what you are eating and how much. Many restaurants offer healthy, low-calorie options. It will be up to you to take your time to look through the menu and decide the healthiest choice for you. If you know where you will be dining, look at the menu ahead of time so you are not overwhelmed when you get there and end up making an unhealthy choice. You are investing time and money into your medical weight loss journey, so be sure to plan.  

What are the side effects of Semaglutide?

The most common side effects are nausea because of delaying gastric emptying. Medication to help combat nausea, along with B12 injections can be added to your treatment plan if needed.