Do not Groupon your face.

Do not Groupon your face.

Groupon is a popular online platform that offers deals and discounts for various products, services, and experiences, including botox and filler procedures. While it may seem tempting to use Groupon or similar deal sites to save money on Botox and filler treatments,...
The Great Benefits of BPC 157 Peptides.

The Great Benefits of BPC 157 Peptides.

BPC 157 peptide is a synthetic peptide chain comprising 15 amino acids. It occurs naturally in the stomach and can be found in small amounts in human gastric juice. The peptide has recently been the subject of much medical research and is becoming increasingly popular...
40 is the New 20

40 is the New 20

Vanity is something that affects all of us in some way or another, and we are all vain in our own, different ways. The popularity of social media outlets, such as Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram has made us more aware of the flaws that bother us. We see ourselves in a...
Thank me for saying NO!.

Thank me for saying NO!.

Oftentimes, clients come in wanting more filler. The effects of previous treatments leave them happy, satisfied and wanting more. Continually adding dermal fillers needs to be done so at a slow and steady approach. Why? Overdoing filler treatments happen for numerous...
Three reasons why you should not cheat on your provider.

Three reasons why you should not cheat on your provider.

We have all been there. At some point in our lives, we have made the choice to cheat. We cheat on the people we trust to take care of us, our health, our hair, our face, and our beauty…… you can fill in the blanks. But why? Why do we do this? We love our hairdresser...